Member-only story
Fast fashion is not cheap
There are 3 ways that đź‘•fast fashion damages the world:
1. 🌳The environment: The fast fashion manufacturing process damages the environment, and pieces are often thrown away after no more than a few wears.
2. 👷‍♀️Worker exploitation: Fast fashion brands earn millions of dollars while selling pieces at low cost because of, firstly mass consumption and secondly, garment workers are undoubtedly paid well below the minimum wage.
3. 🙇Us, the consumers: Fast fashion distorts our sense of value. Cheap prices make us believe we’re saving money, but actually, we’re just buying more. Our wardrobes are almost 4 times that of our parents. In reality, the value and quality of the products that we’re buying have gone down, and thus, fast fashion is fooling us into buying more in the name of saving money
In the documentary 🎥” The True Cost” journalist @theseagull summed it up perfectly: