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4 ways to make a good impression at an interview/assessment centre
As you’re preparing to meet HR people and potential employers, think about ways you can show yourself in a positive light:
Punctuality — arriving late will increase your stress levels and give the employer a bad first impression, so do your best to arrive in good time.
Positivity and enthusiasm — be polite and professional with any staff you meet before or after the interview and, if you’re feeling particularly nervous, remind yourself that the worst thing that could happen is not getting the job. During the interview, respond to questions with positive statements, be enthusiastic about the job and avoid badmouthing your previous employers or university tutors.
Body language — give a firm handshake to your interviewer(s) before and after the session. Once you’re seated, sit naturally without slouching in your chair or leaning on the desk. Throughout the interview, remember to smile frequently and maintain eye contact.